This is the CUPS printer driver package, containing: 1. This printer drivers for the following PRP models: - TM-188 1. This software requires that the following is present on your computer: a. CUPS server & architecure (see 2. Open your favorite shell (bash, etc.) and navigate to the ptrastercups directory. 3. Execute the 'su' command to obtain super-user level permissions. You must enter the root user's password for this to succeed. Be careful! 4.** Installation Procedure: a. copy file rastertopt to /usr/lib/cups/filter b. copy file prp085iii.ppd to /usr/share/cups/model/TYSSO 5. Add printer queue using OS tool, http://localhost:631, or 6. Goto http://localhost:631 or use your favorite CUPS admin tool. 7. Add a new printer queue for your model.